The mission of the Washington Education Foundation
is to promote, enhance and supplement the educational goals of
Washington Elementary School District
During the 2021-2022 grant cycle, the Foundation gave away $25,000 in grants to WESD employees. This year's grant applications will open on September 1st, 2022. We will post a link to a brief grant application training video, and applicants will be able to earn bonus points by taking a simple 10-point quiz over what they have learned. We hope to offer an in-person session for applicants who may have additional questions. Individual applicants can apply for up to $500 and may work in groups of up to four employees for a combined award up to $2,000.
The Foundation was proud to sponsor a wide variety of projects in 2021

Increase student achievement and motivation to learn
Enhance school climate
Promote instructional quality
Promote home/school/community relationships in setting and meeting educational objectives
Enrich the curriculum
Demonstrate cost-effectiveness, return on investment, and sustainability
Have the potential to share benefits
Improve the competence of staff members working in support of students
Proposals are accepted in all subject areas but must directly benefit students. Awards must supplement, not supplant, federal, state or local funds.

All applications must be typed and limited to the grant application cover page, a three-page narrative, and a one-page budget. The applicant and the building principal must sign the application.
Professional development grant applications require a letter of support from the principal. Applicants who provide evidence of participation in WEF grant training are eligible for ten (10) bonus points.
Grant applications are reviewed by a committee and scored on a rubric. Applicants agree to follow all guidelines, including the submission of a brief report. Travel is subject to Governing Board approval. Any supplies or equipment purchased with grant funds remain the property of WESD.
Send your applications to:
Mary Brandt, WEFoundation Mailbox, WESD District Office
or email to mary.brandt@wesdschools.org

Click button then download the document.
Open your downloads folder to retrieve it
or search your computer for "Grant Application"
Fill out the document. Save and send to Mary