Welcome to the 2024-2025 WEF Grant Application!
Here, you will find a link to the application and the two required forms you must upload. Please note the grant application and scoring rubric have changed. Below is a link to a less than 10-minute video explaining the changes and providing information on what the grant scorers are looking for. After watching the video, please take the required five-question quiz. Successful completion of these five questions will be factored into your application score. If you still have questions after viewing the video, please feel free to contact us or attend our in-person training opportunity on Monday, September 16, 2024, at the Administrative Center (4650 W. Sweetwater) from 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. Once the application and forms are submitted, they will be reviewed and scored by a minimum of two foundation members.
Please print out this page and upload it where indicated on the application after completing and signing it.
Please print out this page and upload it where indicated on the application. Note that you will need a separate form for each WESD-approved vendor from which you wish to purchase. Individuals may apply for up to $500 (including tax and shipping). The maximum number of applicants working together to fund a project is four people who can apply for up to $2,000 in funding.
Applications may be submitted from all WESD employees and in all subject areas but must directly benefit students. Funding must supplement, not supplant, federal, state, or local funds.
Applicants agree to follow all guidelines
Field Trip funding is limited to in-state, and travel is subject to Governing Board's approval.
Technology and software purchases require approval from the district MIS Department
Any supplies or equipment purchased with grant funds remain the property of WESD.
For more information, the Foundation will offer an in-person training opportunity on Monday, September 16, at the Administrative Center (4650 W. Sweetwater) from 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. Please do not hesitate to contact Roseanne.Knight@wesdschools.org with any questions or concerns. All applications must be submitted by September 23, 2024.
Grant recipients will be notified the week of October 14.